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No Scalpel Vasectomy

Are you and your partner looking for a more permanent form of birth control? If so, a vasectomy may be an option for you.

At Archbold Urology, we offer options for permanent birth control, including no-scalpel vasectomy, a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that does not require a large incision or stitches.

While a traditional vasectomy involves a larger incision, Archbold urologists perform the no-scalpel vasectomy by creating a small, pinhole opening. An instrument is then inserted to perform the vasectomy. Due to the minimal size of the hole, stitches are not needed for the area to heal.

“A lot of people sometimes shy away from vasectomies, but it is a safe alternative when family planning,” said Urologist Eric Webb, MD. “We pride ourselves in staying up to date with the most advanced technology to be able to offer it to our patients.”

To make an appointment or
learn more about a no-scalpel vasectomy, call 229.584.5550 or fill out the form below.

More Information about No-Scalpel Vasectomies

Vasectomies are one of the most common procedures completed by Urologists. About 500,000 men opt for the simple and effective procedure each year.

A vasectomy is quick, effective, doesn't require general anesthesia, and has a very low complication rate. Unlike many birth control options for women, a vasectomy is a hormone-free solution. Recovery time after a no-scalpel vasectomy is even quicker than a traditional vasectomy.

What is a Vasectomy?

A vasectomy is a permanent and effective method of male birth control. This is achieved by surgically disconnecting the vas deferens, the tube that allows the sperm to leave each testicle. After a vasectomy, the sperm swim up the vas deferens to the site of the vasectomy, unable to continue on, where they live briefly and die.

No-Scalpel Vasectomy Video

Watch this short video to hear from Archbold Urologist Eric Webb, MD and learn more about the no-scalpel vasectomy offered by Archbold Urology.

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