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Sports Medicine in Thomasville

Helping You Get Back in the Game

Archbold Therapy & Sports Medicine offers goal-directed treatments that help patients return to their daily activity levels and/or sport of choice. Our licensed professionals and clinicians use state-of-the-art equipment and new technologies to help you return to a happy and healthy life following recovery. That’s why we’re proud to be the official sports medicine provider for Thomasville High School and Thomas County Central athletics.

If you or a loved one has sustained a sport or physical activity-related injury, our Thomasville sports medicine professionals can provide treatments for relief. Contact us today at 229.228.8050.

What Does Sports Medicine Look Like?

Our onsite athletic trainers help South Georgia athletes stay in the game. Each of our trainers works under the direction of (or in collaboration with) a physician to ensure your personalized treatment plan includes the best recovery methods for your specific needs.

Some of the duties of our athletic trainers include:

  • Assisting and monitoring injured athletes as they heal and progress toward recovery

  • Creating health and nutrition plans

  • Designing training and rehabilitation programs for athletes

  • Maintaining records in relation to the athlete’s condition, training, diet, treatment plan, and recovery process

  • Setting health and fitness goals for athletes

  • Working with coaches, athletes, and medical professionals to evaluate the physical medical condition of athletes

In addition, athletic trainers and other sports medicine professionals can provide primary care, injury and illness prevention methods, wellness promotion and education, emergent care, examination, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention, and rehabilitation of injuries and other medical conditions. Each member of our sports medicine team is trained to recognize general medical conditions, injuries, and illnesses, meaning we can address your situation at the source and create a targeted plan toward pain relief and accelerated healing.

Ready to Begin Your Sports Medicine Treatment Plan?

Athletic trainers provide onsite medical coverage for practices and games, which allows athletes immediate access to care for all types of injuries sustained during their sport. After sustaining your injury, our sports medicine professionals will assist you in the following ways:

  • Applying protective or injury-preventive devices, such as tape, bandages, and braces

  • Recognizing and evaluating injuries

  • Providing first aid or emergency care

  • Developing and carrying out rehabilitation programs

  • Planning and implementing comprehensive programs to prevent future injury and illness

  • Performing administrative tasks, such as keeping records and writing reports on injuries and treatment programs

If you’re ready to recover and return to your beloved sport, we’re here to help. Give our Thomasville sports medicine team a call today at 229.228.8050.

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