Breast Surgery
The board-certified general surgeons at Archbold Memorial Hospital are
highly skilled in diagnosing and treating common and complex breast conditions.
Our breast surgeons use cutting-edge diagnostic technology and the most
advanced surgical and minimally invasive surgery techniques to treat breast
cancer and other breast-related medical conditions.
Breast Surgeries Available At Archbold
Your physician may recommend breast surgery for a number of medical reasons.
Breast surgery is commonly used as a treatment for breast cancer. However,
it may also be recommended as a preventive measure for certain patients
that are at increased risk of developing breast cancer in the future.
The following breast surgeries are commonly performed at Archbold Memorial
Hospital in Thomasville, Georgia.
Lumpectomy: a surgical procedure that is typically performed when cancer is present
but has not spread and involves removing a lump from the breast
Mastectomy: a surgical procedure that involves the removal of all of a patient’s
breast tissue. A mastectomy is often performed when a patient has two
or more tumors in the breast, a large tumor relative to the overall size
of the breast, or widespread malignant-appearing calcium deposits throughout
the breast that are determined to be breast cancer after a breast biopsy.
Mastectomy procedures are also commonly recommended if a patient has previously
had radiation treatment to the breast region and the breast cancer has
recurred in the breast. Preventive mastectomy procedures may be recommended
for patients with genetic mutations that put them at increased risk of
developing breast cancer. A mastectomy may also be recommended for patients
who have had a lumpectomy, however, cancer is still present at the edges
of the operated area, and there is concern that cancer could spread to
other areas of the body.
Savi Scout® Wire-Free Radar Breast Localization: a new technology that Archbold breast surgeons use to locate and guide
the removal of non-palpable lesions during a lumpectomy or surgical biopsy
procedure. With Savi Scout, a radar signal is used to detect a tiny reflector
that can be placed at any time during the course of treatment and at the
patient's convenience. During surgery, the surgeon scans the breast using
the SCOUT guide to precisely and efficiently locate the reflector within
1mm of accuracy. Savi Scout eliminates the need for wires protruding from
the patient’s breast and reduces patient anxiety associated with
the placement of the wire on the day of surgery. Additional benefits for
the patient include reduced surgical wait times, increased probability
of complete cancer removal, and reduced likelihood of needing follow-up surgeries
BioZorb®: a 3D, six-clip helical or low-profile surgical marker that is placed
in the tumor bed during a partial mastectomy procedure and targeted post-operatively
with radiation in breast-conserving therapy.