Acute Care rehabilitation is usually the first phase of rehabilitation after being admitted to the hospital. Most patients that require rehab while in acute acre have acute or traumatic injuries including recent stroke, heart attack, surgery, and other medical problems.
Archbold offers a variety of therapy services in the acute hospital setting. Our comprehensive and coordinated rehabilitation program includes physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech language-pathology services provided by highly trained and experienced therapists. Our rehab team provides treatment to you as you recover from your acute illness or surgery. The main goal is to maintain function and prepare patients for a safe discharge from the acute care setting. Our rehab services are provided in all units of our hospital, including critical care.
The goal of the Early Mobility program is to mobilize patients as soon as they are medically stable, specific to the intensive care unit in which they’re staying. This can occur as soon as a patient is deemed stable by the treating provider.
Early mobility is important in reducing the length of the patient’s stay in a critical care environment, in addition to improving bodily function and helping speed up the recovery process overall.
Our “Mobility is Medicine” program is designed to help patients get moving during their hospital stay, including getting out of bed to stretch, taking walks around the halls, going to the bathroom, and being out of bed for meals.
Maintaining your strength and function are vital parts of overall improvement during your acute hospital stay. This program will help reduce the risk of patients experiencing weakened muscles, imbalances, and the potential need for additional hospital days or even the need to transfer to another rehab facility after hospitalization.
Our speech-language pathologists are an important part of our acute care setting, helping diagnose issues and assess swallow function for patients, in addition to assessing cognitive and language functions.
The hospital Speech Language-Pathologists (SLPs) can provide specialized testing and interventions while a patient is in the hospital. SLPs can conduct bedside assessment of your swallow function and refer you for a Video Fluoroscopic Swallow Study (VFSS) or perform a Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow (FEES).
VFSS screening is conducted in our Radiology department with the assistance of a skilled radiologist. Your care team will look at your swallow function on video and determine if there is any pulmonary aspiration or other difficulties with breathing and swallowing. This test can decipher if dietary changes are needed and can help your doctor provide specific interventions, such as thickening your liquids, to improve your swallow function and/or help you avoid aspiration pneumonia.
Our SLPs can also conduct a different diagnostic test FEES. This test is done by placing a small scope through your nose into the back of your throat to evaluate your swallow function. This is done at bedside and can be an excellent source of immediate feedback of your swallow function and progress.
Where patients choose to go for rehabilitative care can make all the difference in their recovery. We will communicate with your physician and social worker to coordinate a smooth transition to our Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit.
Our Inpatient Rehabilitation (IPR)program offers a wide range of services for individuals who have various diagnoses, including orthopedic injuries, neurological disorders, cardiac diseases, arthritis, amputations, as well as many other illnesses that may be affecting physical function.
Our goal is to take our patients expectations and hopes and implement an individualized, comprehensive plan of care to meet each person’s medical and therapy needs. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will work with each patient from pre-admission to admission to discharge, guiding families through the rehabilitation process. Our clinical team provides education and training, as well as intensive therapy and medical management.
IPR is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary service that requires a physician referral. This unit resides within the hospital, where admission requirements are specific and insurance approval is often required.
During your IPR stay, our highly trained and friendly rehab staff will work closely with all other members of your healthcare team, including nurses, doctors, social workers, dieticians, and more, to provide quality care and ensure an easy transition to home as you recover and heal. Should you require intensive therapy intervention after your acute care stay, IPR is an excellent option.
If you believe you or a loved one could benefit from our rehabilitation services in Thomasville and throughout Thomas County, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of our rehabilitation team today.
We can be reached at 229.228.2000. We look forward to helping you along your recovery journey and helping you get back to a healthy life.