Yes, there are a few guidelines to follow:
Yes, please drink the entire prep solution and follow the instructions carefully. Even if your bowel movements look fairly clear, stool may still be present at the far end of your colon.
Remember: if your doctor cannot see your colon wall, he may miss polyps or dangerous abnormalities!
Yes, to help you drink your laxative solution, trick your taste buds:
For the soreness caused by the frequent bathroom trips:
For a complete list of medications that can and cannot be taken before your procedure, please click here and review the pdf file.
Nausea is a very common side effect.
If your bowel movements continue to be brown after you drink the second half of your prep, you may have to take additional laxatives which you can buy over the counter such as a bottle of magnesium citrate (if you have no kidney problems) or the Miralax prep (click here for Miralax prep instructions).
We perform procedures at the hospital in the Same-Day-Surgery (SDS) area and at the Ambulatory Care Center (ACC). It is the same building which also houses the women’ s center and pre-admission.
If you are scheduled at SDS, pull into the visitors parking lot, go past the main lobby entrance toward the exit on Gordon Avenue. You will see a round drive to your right side before you reach that exit. The pair of double doors at the top of the drive way is the entrance to SDS. Once you enter the building, a receptionist will check you in.
If you are scheduled at the ACC, park in the ACC visitors parking lot and enter through the center doors. Once inside check in with the registration (center desk).
Our goal is to have you to spend about three (3) hours with us from start to finish.
However, please remember that each patient is unique and we do not know what we will find until we are in the procedure. Our physicians and our team are committed to providing every patient with safe, comprehensive care.
Your procedure appointment time is the result of averaging the lengths of past procedures. It is our very best guess.
Therefore, please be patient if your wait is longer than expected.
Have a question that is not answered here or the Prep Instructions page? Please call (229) 584-5590.