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Archbold Remembers Dr. John A. Davis-James

Archbold Remembers Dr. John A. Davis-James

Dr. John A. Davis-James is considered the first Black member of the Archbold medical staff. Today, Archbold recognizes his service to the community that paved the way for all those who followed him. 

Dr. Davis-James, a native of Guyana, was educated in England and South America before coming to the United States. He attended the City College of New York where he reportedly was awarded a Phi Beta Kappa key.

After his 1928 graduation from Meharry, he completed his internship in 1929 at Archbold. “In view of his known professional capabilities,” Davis-James was subsequently invited to practice medicine and obstetrics in the hospital among Black patients.

Dr. Davis-James also served as a member of the visiting staff at the Florida A & M College Hospital in Tallahassee, Florida. He practiced medicine in Thomasville until he died in 1939. He is buried at Magnolia Cemetery in Thomasville. His gravestone notes his career as an M.D. and that he was the "loving father of Joyce & Antoinette." 


Another significant trailblazer at Archbold was Dr. John Zeigler. Dr. Ziegler was the first Black physician to serve in any capacity at Archbold. He served a year’s internship in the wing of the hospital serving Black patients from 1926–1927 before moving on to private practice elsewhere. 

For more Archbold historical facts and centennial information, please visit

Special Thanks to the Jack Hadley Black History Museum for the photograph of Dr. John A. Davis-James.