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Archbold Performs First in Georgia Kidney Stone Treatment

Archbold Performs First in Georgia Kidney Stone Treatment

Archbold Urologist Eric Webb, MD, is the first in Georgia to perform a revolutionary kidney stone treatment using a new system known as the CVAC system.

The CVAC system, approved by the FDA earlier this year, has been shown to significantly reduce stone volume. Patients benefit from decreased chances of recurrence and painful stone passage compared to previous treatment options.

“This treatment option is minimally invasive and expands on prior treatments by removing fragments of kidney stones,” Webb, who practices with Archbold Urology, explained. “Instead of leaving fragments to be passed or remain in the kidney, they are able to be suctioned out with the CVAC system.”

The innovation comes as the prevalence of kidney stones in adults has risen to about 1 in 10 Americans, according to the U.S. National Kidney Foundation.

Kidney stones are pebble-like deposits that develop due to elevated levels of various minerals and salts in the kidney. 

“The symptoms of a kidney stone can be debilitating,” Webb continued. “They can range from sharp lower back pain to painful urination and nausea.”

Archbold offers comprehensive kidney stone treatment, including a walk-in kidney stone clinic and hotline. To reach the 24/7 hotline, please call (229) 584-5557. To learn more about kidney stone treatment at Archbold, please visit