5-A-Day Keeps the Doctor Away
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A diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps reduce the risk of several health conditions, including cancer and heart disease. But exactly how much should you eat to reap the benefits? According to data published by the American Heart Association, three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit each day may be optimal.
Researchers pooled data from several studies representing about 2 million adults worldwide to discover the ideal intake. Participants who ate five servings of fruits and vegetables (three of vegetables, two of fruits) had the greatest longevity. In fact, they had a 13% lower risk of premature death than adults who ate two daily servings of fruit and vegetables. The study noted vegetables rich in beta carotene and vitamin C were especially beneficial.
Get Yoru Fruits and Veggies In
Few people eat the daily recommended amount of fruits and vegetables. Here are some tips to add more into your diet:
- Carry easy-to-eat fruits and vegetables as snacks when you’re away from home.
- Display fruit in your kitchen for easy access.
- Load soups and stews with extra veggies, even if the recipe doesn’t call for it.
- Make it fun – designate one day each week to eat fruits and vegetables that are a specific color of the rainbow.
- Substitute French fries at a restaurant for a side salad.
- Top yogurt and oatmeal with sliced berries.
Get more tips for healthy living at archbold.org/live-better.